Wednesday, August 27, 2008

RANDOM- Late August

Since Dan does not take pictures unless asked...
I had to take it myself
Pickle reading to Pookie
Pickle shares his fire hat and
his obsession with hats
A little sandy
Brotherly love
Watching motocross riders-
Pickle loves it!!!!!
"I did it!!"
Golfing-another thing Pickle loves!!!
Why? Maybe because he watches daddy play Wii golf.


Pickle absolutely ADORES his Nonna and Papa. He talked about them for days before they arrived and then talked them for days after (he still does talk about it). He would talk about getting on the plane to go see them & in detail, "give him the ticket, sit in the seat, and pat, pat, pat (from a show he likes) and go to Nonna & Papa's". The grandparents brought him a scooter which he loves. In our nightly stories, he wants to hear about his firefighter crew which regularly includes Firefighter Papa and Firefighter Nonna. We miss you!!!Notice the Fire hat is on-obsessed!


Pickle and I were looking at old videos when I came across one of Pickle that I love. It seems like Pickle as always spoken clearly, so to watch this video of him, almost 2, brings back memories of such a short time ago.


not one but two. He is such a trooper. He has not fussed, cried or anything while teething. We just noticed one day that he had teeth. The past week & a half has been big for Pookie. Tues the 26th he turned 6 months old! The week before that he started sitting unsupported and eating baby food.

This week we have seen a new side of his personality. It seems that overnight our chill, observer of a baby has become very busy!! He wants everything and gets frustrated when he can not reach it or drops whatever he is holding. He does not sit contently in my lap anymore. He stands or leans to grab what he sees. Yesterday he managed to get himself out of his Bumpo (or is it Bumbo?) chair. Thankfully I had it on the floor. He is even starting to scoot as he his eager to get what he wants quickly. Since eating solids, he just cannot seem to get enough of it and becomes very vocal when we do not give it to him fast enough. The first few time we gave him food he could not decide if he wants his thumb or the food (check out the video below). He is a quick learner though and now opens wide, anticipating the yummy, pureed food. He has his 6 month check-up tomorrow. I will update with stats then.

Pookie also has little interest in mom or dad. At least little compared to the bright sunshine that Noah brings. He is madly in love with his big brother. Pookie's face just lights up when Noah is around. He giggles at the silly thing he does. There is something about little kids that babies just love. Mommy and daddy get big smiles when we talk slowly to him and say things like, "ma ma", "da da", and his name. He stares at our lips and tries to figure it to speak. He loves it!
Look mommy, I can sit.

Give it to me!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

August 2008

What do you think?
Do they look alike?


Pickle Aug 2006

Pookie Aug 2008

Pickle and some of his buddy's
Too much excitement for Pookie

He loves water bottles
Yes...even the camera
"Gimme that camera!!"
Pookie Boot-tay

Will NOT let go of his foot

OMG, Pickle shared his fireman hat!!
He sweetly put it on Pookie's head.
Pickle is incredibly kind and gentle with Pookie.
Pickle's favorite person is Pookie.

Pookie's 1st solids-he is eager to try it
Still has interest...
but would rather eat his hands.

Here is Mich when he is upset