Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys...

What am I going to do? I mean, I understand it just hangs there waiting to be played with and boy does it feel good...but there is a time and a place to play with it. And no, it not when talking to your MOM! Now that Pickle is potty trained I cannot get him to stop playing with his beloved wee wee. I tell him over and over again to go to his room if he wants to play with it. But he just cannot stop, he is addicted.

The other day he came up to me talking about something and playing with his member. I asked him to go to his room if he wants to do that but he could not stop. He smiled and continued on. I said, "son, stop then". Finally he pulled away as if a major force yanked his hands off. He continued to smile and then he looked like he was pondering something. Then it look like a light bulb went on in that brain of his. Then he said, "Mommy, do you want to play with my wee wee?"

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

You just made me almost pee my pants! He just wanted to share with you Mommy! That was the light bulb moment.....you keep telling him to share. LOL!